We are now half way through the month of February and we are expected to get another Winter storm starting this Wednesday. It’s been about a week since our last Winter storm that dropped about 5-7 inches of snow. The past few days have been very mild and majority of the snow has already melted in Show Low from the last storm. Our weather here in the White Mountains has been very strange lately. Winter arrived late in December and we had a week in January that was extremely cold and then things warm up for about a week and go back to being cold. After reading a few weather reports, it looks like we might possibly get another couple inches of snow with this weeks storm coming in. Hopefully, the weather starts to warm up and stay warm soon because I am looking forward to the Spring and Summer months! If your traveling to Northeastern Arizona this week, be sure to check the weather reports and drive safe.
Winter Weather Is On Its Way
Beautiful Torreon Homes Under $450,000 February 2013
It definitely seems like real estate is heading in a very positive direction with the amount of sales that took place in the month of January here in the White Mountains. With Spring right around the corner and the amount of home buyers actively looking for homes to purchase, right now is a great time to find good deals before they are gone. I wanted to gather a list of homes that are currently active on the market in Torreon under $450,000 for potential buyers to see whats out there. There are a few new beautiful home listings that have hit the multiple listing service here in the Torreon community that look like amazing deals. If you have any questions on where these homes are located inside Torreon or have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Jason Grimes at (928) 358 – 0559 and I will be happy to assist you.
Sorry, but we couldn't find any results in the MLS that match the specified search criteria.
Recent Price Reductions In Torreon

Reduced Residential Properties
As a potential buyer, it is very important to stay on top of recent price reductions, especially if your focused on a particular area of interest. As a local area expert, I know how important it is to stay updated with the current market trends, recent sales, price reductions, and active real estate listings. With 2013 starting off to be a great year, I felt it would be necessary to share some recent price reductions on some gorgeous homes inside the Torreon Community. Lets face it, we all want to get something for less and having an edge on the current real estate price reductions can benefit you if your looking at a specific property or area in the hopes to get it a reduced cost. With spring just around the corner and the positive direction real estate is heading in, you can expect 2013 to be a great year for both buyers and sellers. Take a peek below at some recent price reductions in Torreon and feel free to contact me if you need any additional information regarding these reduced properties.
Sorry, but we couldn't find any results in the MLS that match the specified search criteria.
Business Cards For Torreon Real Estate
Over the past few months, I have been debating on ordering a newly designed business card for Torreon. Last year was an extremely busy year for me and I went through 1000 business cards that I had previously ordered through Vista Print. I was really happy with the old design but felt it was missing something to make it unique and stand out from other business cards you see from other Realtors. About a week ago, I was updating the Facebook page associated with Torreon Real Estate and came across a company that could print some neat Facebook Business Cards to tie both the social networking site and TorreonRealEstate.com together. After ordering the cards and them arriving in the mail, I was extremely impressed with the quality in both the paper used to make the card and the colors on the cards. So today I decided to create a new design for business cards with the launch of Torreon Real Estate and they should be arriving in the mail within the next week. I wanted to share what they will look like and included a few screenshots of the cards below.
New Torreon Real Estate Business Cards

Front Of New Torreon Real Estate Cards

Back Of New Torreon Real Estate Cards
New Facebook Business Cards For Torreon Real Estate

Front Of Torreon Facebook Cards

Back Of Torreon Facebook Cards
Short Sales And Foreclosures In Torreon January 2013
I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe New Year’s day! We are now into January 2013 and we wanted to compile the current list of active Short Sales and Foreclosures in Torreon. With the current market trends, now is the time to pick up great deals on real estate in one of the most desirable areas to live in Arizona. You can save thousands of dollars on some of the most luxurious cabins that are located in the White Mountains. Short Sales give buyers the opportunity to get beautiful homes at a discounted price. As of right now there are three current short sales that are active in Torreon and one foreclosure. If you have any questions about any of these properties, please contact Jason Grimes at (928) 358 – 0559 to assist you.
We're sorry, but we couldn't find MLS # 116004 in our database. This property may be a new listing or possibly taken off the market. Please check back again.
We're sorry, but we couldn't find MLS # 115955 in our database. This property may be a new listing or possibly taken off the market. Please check back again.
We're sorry, but we couldn't find MLS # 115923 in our database. This property may be a new listing or possibly taken off the market. Please check back again.
We're sorry, but we couldn't find MLS # 112814 in our database. This property may be a new listing or possibly taken off the market. Please check back again.
We're sorry, but we couldn't find MLS # 112865 in our database. This property may be a new listing or possibly taken off the market. Please check back again.
Advertising And Marketing Your Home
There are many advertising and marketing techniques that can be used to get your home listing more attention. At Torreon Real Estate, we try to capture leads from potential buyers in many ways that other real estate agents do not. It is very important to get in touch with a real estate agent that has vast knowledge of how to market your listing both online and through traditional techniques. Statistically, people looking to buy real estate begin their search on the internet before they contact a local agent that services their area of interest. Being in contact with an agent that has an advantage over their competition is very crucial to both the selling and buying sides of real estate.
Some of the key steps we use when capturing leads consist of taking high quality detailed photos of your home and create virtual tours for potential buyers to get REAL insight on determining if your home matches their needs and wants. We also are very active in both promoting and delivering information about your listing through social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. Social networks are a great way to make your listing go viral and attract more attention and views for potential buyers to see whats new on the market. Other areas of interest include creating colorful flyers, postcards mail to local residents, newspapers advertisements, and advertising in the local Real Estate Book that is distributed freely to the public. Also to back everything listed above, when you choose Torreon Real Estate and Jason Grimes as your selling agent, you also have Century 21, the biggest name in real estate both representing you and helping you accomplish your real estate goals.
The techniques we use are unmatched here in the White Mountains of Arizona and we would like to take the time to sit down with you and see how we can help you accomplish selling your home. We are committed to providing you with the best real estate service you deserve and work diligently to get you results. Please take the time to look around on our site and if you have any questions we are available seven days a week to assist you.
Real Estate Prices And Inventory

As Inventory Lowers, Real Estate Prices Rise
I wanted to share some insight on the current real estate market here in the White Mountains. We are now in the winter months here in the White Mountains of Arizona and many sellers tend to take their properties off the market due to the amount of buyers that are actively looking to buy homes. In previous years, the market trends here in northeastern Arizona show December being a slow month for real estate due to Holidays and people spending time with their families. With the inventory slowly shrinking up here in Show Low and surrounding towns and cities, we should start to see a slight increase in real estate prices. There are a few factors at stake here which include homes on the market declining and foreclosures drying up. Another factor that drives real estate prices up is multiple offers being submitted on foreclosures that tend to drive prices up and above the listing price. This will be a reoccurring trend that we will see into the coming months of 2013.
If your a first time home buyer looking for a good reasonable price on a home, now is the time to buy. Interest rates are expected to rise up and above 4% throughout the 2013 fiscal year. There are still lots of good deals out there and you have to act fast when you find a property that appeals to you. Getting your offer submitted quickly is the key to becoming the new owner of a home. Get in touch with your financial institution to get pre-qualified before you start looking at making a real estate purchase.
As an active real estate agent here in the White Mountains, I am dedicated to helping you with all your real estate needs. Providing you with the best real estate service is something Istride for. If you need help or suggestions on finding the right financial institution for you, home inspectors, mortgage brokers or anything that pertains to real estate, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Beautiful Homes For Sale In Sierra Pines

Beautiful Kitchen Of A Home In Sierra Pines
Sierra Pines is a very desirable subdivision to own a home here in the White Mountains of Arizona. Many of the custom built homes inside the Sierra Pines community are surrounded by large ponderosa pine trees and are on one acre lots. People that are familiar with the area like to compare the homes that were built in the Sierra Pines subdivision to those that are located in Torreon. Some locations inside Sierra Pines offer fantastic views of the surrounding mountains of Show Low and give homeowners privacy with heavily treed lots. Homes that are for sale in Sierra Pines usually start in the mid $200k range and can go as high as $800k based on features and location of the home. There is a mandatory homeowners association when owning a home inside Sierra Pines and its at a very minimal cost of $150 a year. Explore the newest residential listings that are current available in Sierra Pines and feel free to contact us with any questions you may have about real estate in this fabulous community.
We're sorry, but we couldn't find MLS # 115067 in our database. This property may be a new listing or possibly taken off the market. Please check back again.
We're sorry, but we couldn't find MLS # 112292 in our database. This property may be a new listing or possibly taken off the market. Please check back again.
We're sorry, but we couldn't find MLS # 113846 in our database. This property may be a new listing or possibly taken off the market. Please check back again.
We're sorry, but we couldn't find MLS # 115672 in our database. This property may be a new listing or possibly taken off the market. Please check back again.
We're sorry, but we couldn't find MLS # 113732 in our database. This property may be a new listing or possibly taken off the market. Please check back again.
We're sorry, but we couldn't find MLS # 113131 in our database. This property may be a new listing or possibly taken off the market. Please check back again.
We're sorry, but we couldn't find MLS # 114546 in our database. This property may be a new listing or possibly taken off the market. Please check back again.
We're sorry, but we couldn't find MLS # 109922 in our database. This property may be a new listing or possibly taken off the market. Please check back again.
We're sorry, but we couldn't find MLS # 112604 in our database. This property may be a new listing or possibly taken off the market. Please check back again.
We're sorry, but we couldn't find MLS # 97387 in our database. This property may be a new listing or possibly taken off the market. Please check back again.
We're sorry, but we couldn't find MLS # 113141 in our database. This property may be a new listing or possibly taken off the market. Please check back again.
We're sorry, but we couldn't find MLS # 115545 in our database. This property may be a new listing or possibly taken off the market. Please check back again.
Great Deals On Real Estate In Torreon
With New Years finally here and 2013 kicking off, we wanted to share some great real estate deals in Torreon. I have complied ten of the cheapest priced per square foot homes that are currently on the market. Some of these homes range from custom built luxury homes to beautiful cabins in the pines. The weather here in the White Mountains of Arizona continues to draw in people from Phoenix and Tucson for a chance to escape the heat and enjoy the outdoors. People from all over the country look to Arizona as a place to reside because of the beautiful landscape and endless outdoor activities. If your already familiar with the area of the White Mountains then you already know why its such a popular destination for real estate. Check the some of the best real estate deals below and be sure to let us know how we can help you with any questions about Torreon or owning a piece of heaven here in northeastern Arizona.
We're sorry, but we couldn't find MLS # 112913 in our database. This property may be a new listing or possibly taken off the market. Please check back again.
We're sorry, but we couldn't find MLS # 109319 in our database. This property may be a new listing or possibly taken off the market. Please check back again.
We're sorry, but we couldn't find MLS # 112114 in our database. This property may be a new listing or possibly taken off the market. Please check back again.
We're sorry, but we couldn't find MLS # 113676 in our database. This property may be a new listing or possibly taken off the market. Please check back again.
We're sorry, but we couldn't find MLS # 113133 in our database. This property may be a new listing or possibly taken off the market. Please check back again.
We're sorry, but we couldn't find MLS # 114811 in our database. This property may be a new listing or possibly taken off the market. Please check back again.
We're sorry, but we couldn't find MLS # 113892 in our database. This property may be a new listing or possibly taken off the market. Please check back again.
We're sorry, but we couldn't find MLS # 112654 in our database. This property may be a new listing or possibly taken off the market. Please check back again.
We're sorry, but we couldn't find MLS # 114413 in our database. This property may be a new listing or possibly taken off the market. Please check back again.
Pictures Of The Torreon Community
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a great holiday season. Winter has finally came to the White Mountains and gave us the gift of having a white Christmas this year. The ski slopes have also finally opened up at Sunrise Ski Resort and there have been a few winter storms that have blanketed the White Mountains. It’s time to start a New Year with 2013 right around the corner and get prepared for a good Real Estate season for this upcoming year. There are a lot of really good deals on Real Estate in Torreon and Sierra Pines right now and you have came to the right place to get some insight on some of these properties. Our website is updated daily with new luxury homes and cabins that are currently available to purchase. Check out these beautiful pictures of the Torreon Community and if you have any questions about any Real Estate listings you find on Torreon Real Estate, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with Jason Grimes on helping you with your real estate goals.